Current Topics in Biophysics (SC/BPHS 2090.03 crosslisted as SC/BIOL 2090.03)
An introduction to biophysics highlighting major themes in pure and applied
biophysical research. Included is coverage of fundamental concepts in fluid
mechanics. The course will present students with an overview
of the role of physics in biological research.
SC/PHYS 1010 6.00 or SC/PHYS 1410 6.00 or SC/PHYS 1420 6.00; SC/BIOL 1000 3.00 and SC/BIOL 1001 3.00 or SC/BIOL 1410 6.00.Course Directors
Stanislaw Jerzak and Roger R. LewOther Information
This course will introduce students to biological physics. A current topics format gives the course director latitude to choose topics that illuminate both biology and physics, and to bring in guest lecturers from many disciplines that require a biophysics background. Sample Topics: life and cycle, biomechanics, biological pumps, nanomoters, molecular spectroscopy, laser biophysics, nuclear physics and nuclear magnetic resonance. Guest lectures may include bio-imaging, high energy particle beam applications in biology, nuclear magnetic spectroscopy etc. For Biophysics majors: Concepts surveyed in this course will be further expanded in the third and fourth year biophysics courses. For Biology and other majors: Students are expected to be comfortable with introductory calculus.Course Goals
The objective of the course is to help students to integrate the knowledge gained in first year biology and physics courses and to expose students to modern topics in biophysics.- The following support these goals:
- Readings and Course Notes: Readings and course notes will be provided on e-reserve during the term, as required.
- Lectures:
T,R - 11:30 AM- 1:00 PM in SC (Stong College) Room 218
The lectures are designed to introduce students to the variety of techniques and approaches used in biological physics. Please be aware that lectures are the core component of the course. The material covered in lectures is an excellent guide to material on which you will be tested.
- Grading and Assignments In this course, there will be two term tests, assignments, short essays on material presented by guest lecturers, and a final examination. These will allow you to demonstrate not only your knowledge of facts, but your ability to apply and integrate your understanding of concepts. In the assignments, you will be asked to apply physical analysis to biological problems.

Mark Distribution
- Two Term Tests: 30% total
Tests are scheduled for Thursday, October 9 and Tuesday, November 18. Each test will be weighted 15% except in the event of an absence from a term test (see below)
- Final Exam: 40%
- Assignments: 20% (A total of two assignments [one is a compilation of about 2-4 mini-assignments])
- Gists of Guest Lectures: 10% (5% each)
The gists are short (one page) summaries of the guest lectures. Students will choose one of the first two guest lectures to gist and one of the third and fourth guest lectures. More information on how to write a gist is available.
Assignment Submission: Proper academic performance depends on students doing their work not only well, but on time. Accordingly, assignments for this course must be received on the due date specified for the assignment.
Lateness Penalty: Assignments received later than the due date will be penalized (usually 10% for the first day, 20% for the second, 40% for the third, ad infinitum).
Missed Tests: Students with a documented reason for missing a course test, such as illness, compassionate grounds, etc., which is confirmed by supporting documentation (e.g., doctor's letter) will have the weight of the missed term test (15%) transferred to the final exam.