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A Critical Study of Health & Society
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The Patient

AP/SOSC 2110 6.0
A Critical Study of Health & Society

Fall / Winter 2011 - 2012
Course Director: Megan J. Davies, Ph D

In lecture and tutorial, we must all behave in ways that ensure all students are able to enjoy and benefit from the lectures. The acoustics of the lecture hall permit us to ask and answer questions of each other, in front of the whole class: but the acoustics do not permit extensive conversations between students while the lecturer is speaking. Likewise, it is noisy and disturbing to have students leaving the lecture early. Every effort will be made to finish up the lectures by 6:20, so that you may all get to your next destination on time. In return, students must wait until the lecture is finished to start packing books or leaving seats. In lecture and tutorial, cellphones and other PDI’s must be turned off – this includes the text messaging functions. Computers are permitted to take lecture notes or to take notes on tutorial discussion. Using laptops for other reasons distracts you, but also distracts other students. Please do not use your laptops for reasons other than course-related work during lectures or tutorials. If this becomes a problem, laptops will have to be restricted to those students who receive permission.

York University