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The Patient
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  Course Readings

AP/SOSC 3116 6.0
The Patient

Fall / Winter 2011 - 2012
Course Director: Megan J. Davies, Ph D

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Required Readings:

  • A Kit of photocopies is to be purchased at the York Bookstore.  This is in two volumes -  one for weeks 2-11 and another for weeks 12-24.
  • Thomas Mann’s novel, The Magic Mountain, is to be purchased at the York Bookstore.

Section 1: The Patient as a Construct

1. September 8: Course Introduction.

2. September 15: Sick People


  • Parsons, P. (1950). The Sick Role, in The Social System, New York: The Free Press. (Kit)
  • Jeffery, R. (1979). Normal rubbish: deviant patients in casualty departments, Sociology of Health and Illness, 1/1, 90-107. (Kit)

3. September 22: The Institution and the Patient


4. September 29: “Normal” & The Mad Patient


  • Kendall, K. (1996) Mental Illness – Tales of madness: From the Asylum to Oprah, in B. Schissel and L. Mahood, (eds.) Social Control in Canada: Issues in the Social Construction of Deviance. Toronto: Oxford University Press. (Kit)
  • Prior, P. (1995) Surviving psychiatric institutionalisation: A case study, Sociology of Health, 17, 561-667.

* hand out review essay sheets & explain assignment

5. October 6: The Patient Case File


  • Berg, M. and Harterink, P. (2004). Embodying the Patient: Records and Bodies in Early 20th-century US Medical Practice, Body and Society, 10/2-3, 13-41. (Kit)
  • Craig, B. (1990). Hospital Records and Record-Keeping, c. 1850- c. 1950: Part II: The Development of Records in Hospitals, Archivaria 30, 21-38. (Kit)

* October 13 – no class – Reading Week

6. October 20: The Patient as research material


  • Qualitative methods in sociology and anthropology, in Studying Health and Disease, eds. Kevin McConway and Basiro Davey. (Kit)
  • Cornwell, J. (1984) Hard-Earned Lives: Accounts of Health and Illness from East London. London: Tavistock Publications. (Chapter 1 – Kit)

7. October 27: Patient’s Body: The Experimental Body


  • Savitt, T. (1982). The Use of Blacks for Medical Experimentation and Demonstration, Journal of Southern History, 48/3, 331-348. (Kit)
  • Dyck, E.  (2006) ‘Hitting Highs at Rock Bottom’: LSD Treatment for Alcoholism, 1950-1970. Social History of Medicine, 19/2, 313-329. (Kit)

* Review Essay due

8. November 3: The Patient’s Body: Third World Bodies


  • Fadiman, A. (1997). The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. (Chapters 3, 4, 5 – Kit)

9. November 10: The Dead Patient’s Body


  • Simon, J. (2002). The Theatre of Anatomy: The Anatomical Preparations of Honore Fragonard, Eighteenth-Century Studies, 36/1, 63-79. (Kit)
  • Fox, R. (1979). The Autopsy: Its Place in the Attitude-Learning of Second-Year Medical Students, in Essays in Medical Sociology: Journeys into the Field. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 51-77. (Kit)

* Think Pieces I due

10. November 17: Media Representations of Illness


  • Crawshaw, P. (2007). Governing the healthy male citizen: Men, masculinity and popular health in Men’s Health Magazine.Social Science & Medicine, 65, 1606-1618. (Kit)
  • Gough, B. (2007). 'Real men don't diet': An analysis of contemporary newspaper representations of men, food and health. Social Science & Medicine, 64/2, 326-337.  (Kit)

*Hand out course project assignment sheets

11. November 24:  How the Patient defines Well-Being


  • Conway, S. and Hockey, J. (1998). “Resisting the ‘mask’ of old age?: the social meaning of lay health beliefs in later life. Ageing and Society, 18, 469-494. (Kit)
  • Lawton, J., Ahmad, N. Peel, E. and Hallowell, N.  (2007). Contextualising accounts of illness: notions of responsibility and blame in white and South Asian respondents’ accounts of diabetes causation. Sociology of Health and Illness, 29/6, 891-906. (Kit)

12. December 1:  On-line Class – Oral History Videos & the Patient Journey

Section 2: Situating the Patient Experience

13. January 5: The Patient Narrative – intro lecture


  • Ong, B. and Jinks, C. Reflections on becoming a person with musculoskeletal pain: A patient diary, Social Theory & Health, 7, 2, 100–116. (Kit)

14. January 12: Patient Narratives #1: Horrible Events & Daily Life


  • Whitehead, L. (2006) Quest, chaos and restitution: Living with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis, Social Science & Medicine, 62, 2236–2245. (Kit)
  • Ezzy, D. (2000) Illness narratives: time, hope and HIV, Social Science & Medicine, 50, 605-617. (Kit)

15. January 19: Patient Narratives #2: Inconclusive Narratives


  • Amirault, C. (1995) Pseudologica Fantastica and other Tall Tales: The Contagious Literature of Munchausen Syndrome. Literature and Medicine, 14/2 :169-190. (Kit)
  • Uehar, E. (2007). “Disturbing Phenomenology” in the Pain and Engagement Narratives of Cambodian American Survivors of the Killing Fields. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 31, 329-359. (Kit)

16. January 26: Pain


  • Morris, D. (1991).  The Culture of Pain, Berkeley: University of California Press, Chapter 3. (Kit)
  • Roberto, K. and Reynolds, S.  Older Women’s Experiences with Chronic Pain: Daily Challenges and Self-Care Practices. Journal of Women & Aging, 14, 3, 5-23.  (Kit)

* Project proposals due

17. February 2: Family


  • Stajduhar, K. et al, (2008). Situated/being situated: Client and co-worker roles of family caregivers in hospice palliative care, Social Science & Medicine, 67, 1789–1797. (Kit)
  • Webb, B. (1977). Trauma and Tedium: An Account of Living in on a Children’s Ward, in A. Davis and G. Horobin, (eds.), Medical Encounters, eds., London: Croom Helm. (Kit)

18. February 9: The Dying Patient


  • Cobb, M. (2001). The Dying Soul: Spiritual care at the end of life, Philadelphia: Open University Press. (Chapter 3 - Kit)
  • Timmermans, S. (1998). Resuscitation Technology in the Emergency Department, Sociology of Health and Illness, 20/2, 144-167. (Kit)

* Think Pieces II due

Section 3: The Patient as Activist

19. February 16: Going to the Doctor


  • Macintyre, S. and Oldman, D. (1977). Coping with Migraine, in A. Davis and G. Horobin, (eds.), Medical Encounters, London: Croom Helm, 55-71. (Kit)
  • Hahn, R. (1985). Between Two Worlds: Physicians as patients. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 16/ 4, 87-98. (Kit)

* NO CLASS - February 23 – Reading Week

20. March 1: Patient Resistance


  • Hayes-Bautisla, D. (1976). Modifying the treatment: Patient Compliance, Patient Control and Medical Care, Social Science and Medicine, 10/5, 233-236. (Kit)
  • Parr, H. (1999). Bodies and Psychiatric Medicine: Interpreting different geographies of mental health,” in R. Butler and H. Parr, (eds.), Mind and Body Spaces, New York: Routledge. (Kit)

21. March 8: Patient Activism


  • Batt, S. (1994). Patient No More: The Politics of Breast Cancer, Charlottetown: Gynergy Books,  285-325. (Kit)
  • Klawiter, M. (2005). Breast cancer in two regimes: the impact of social movements on illness experience, in P. Brown and S. Zavestoski, (eds.), Social Movements in Health, Oxford: Blackwell. (Kit)

* Course Projects due

22: March 15: Seeking Alternatives


  • Janine Wiles and Mark Rosenberg, “’Gentle caring experience’: Seeking alternative health care in Canada,” Health & Place 7 (2001):209-224.

*Field trip to Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

23: March 22: The Patient as Healer


  • Hardey, M. (1999). M. Doctor in the house: the Internet as a source of lay knowledge and the challenge to expertise, Sociology of Health & Illness, 21/6, 820-835. (Kit)
  • Hunter, L. et al, (2006). Aboriginal Healing: Regaining Balance and Culture, Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 17/1, 13-22. (Kit)

24. March 29: Course Project Poster Boards – Final Class

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