There are stories about finding home. There are stories about home not being a house, a building, a country or any geographical location, but rather a place where you belong. There are stories about longing to be at home, where your heart is. There are stories about being accepted, finally. There are stories about love. Love is what makes it home. There are stories about people that accept you for you, when no one else will. There are stories about drowning and being pulled out of the mud surrounding me. There are stories about the glue that now holds everything together. There are stories of a safe place. There are stories about finding the missing puzzle piece. There are stories about having a place to stay when no one else wants you. There are stories of winning a legal battle. There are stories of a light illuminating a dark room for the first time. There are stories of comfort after crying out in the middle of the night. There are stories about monsters being slaughtered. There are stories about hugs shared and long talks. There are stories about having tea and playing cards. There are stories about Nightmares evaporating. There are stories about transforming into an eagle and finally being able and allowed to soar. There are stories about long road trips, but always being able to return to the beginning. There are stories about never being far from home. Jen Prole

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
| York University
February 20-27, 2007

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