SOSC 4319
2003 - 2004

Group Project




Andrew, D., "The Well-Worn Muse: Adaptation in Film History and Theory" Narative Strategies: Original Essays in Film and Prose Fiction, ed. S. Conger and J. Welsch, Illinois University Press, 1980,

----- Concepts in Film Theory, Oxford University Press Inc: New York, 1984

Arendt, H. "Society and Culture", Daedalus, Spring 1960

Axelrod, M., "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: or, the Commodification of Form in the Adaptation of Fictional Texts to the Hollywood Cinema" Literature Film Quarterly, Vol. 24(2), 1996, 201-207

Balazs, B., Theory of the Film: Character and Growth of a New Art, trans. E. Bone, Dennis Dobson ltd: London, 1952

Berger, A., "Theorists of Narrativity", Narratives in Popular Culture, Media, and Everyday Life, Sage Publications, 1997, 19-38

Bluestone, G., Novels into Film, University of California Press: California , 1957

Boyum, J., Double Exposure: Fiction into Film, Longman: New York, 1985

Culler, J., Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press: New York, 2000

Griffith, J., Adaptations as Imitiations: Films from Novels, Associated University Presses Inc., New Jersey, London and Ontario, 1997

Grossberg, L., et al, "The Interpreation of Meaning", Mediamakeing: Mass Media in a Popular Culture, Sage Publications, 1998, 147-176

Kline, K., "The Accidental Tourist On Page and On Screen: Interrogating Normative Theories About Film Adaptation", Literature Film Quarterly, Vol.24(1), 1996, 70-83

Rifkin, B., Semitoics of Narration in Film Prose Fiction, Peter Lang Publishing, Inc: New York, 1994

Saussure, F., A Course in General Linguistics, trans. W. Baskin, McGraw-Hill: New York,
reprinted 1966

Woolf, V., The Common Reader, Hogarth Press: London, 1925.
Selections reprinted in Collected Essays, Vol.2, Harcourt, Brace & World: New York, 1967








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