Evolving Communication
SOSC 4319 Theory and Practice
of Effective Communication
Merits of Auteur Theory
A possible merit of auteur
theory is that Kubrick exhibits a recognizable style across films.
Even though The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut are filmed
almost twenty years apart, the style in both is distinctly Kubrick.
Sound is important in both films; due to the physical isolation
of the three characters in The Shining, and the intimacy
between the two characters in Eyes Wide Shut, silence is
a dominant trait in both. Silence is juxtaposed by a single recurring
sound. In The Shining it is the sound of the typewriter keys,
in Eyes Wide Shut it is a few single notes on the piano.
These seem like simple sounds, but Kubrick creates an important
function for them. They function as a way to de-familiarize the
familiar; these single notes create an uncanny feeling, and are
used to describe an uneasy, disturbed state of mind.
Kubrick's personal style,
like his use of sound, camera work and thematic similarities in
expression, is so distinct, it could be considered a merit from
an auteurian perspective. In fact it is a great accomplishment for
a director to become so well known for his style. It functions as
a way of bringing the guy behind the camera into the spotlight.
Actors are easily recognized since they work in front of the camera;
it is much more difficult to be so easily recognized for your style
when you are not seen. It can be considered a personal merit for
Kubrick, who has gained this recognition because of this personal
Michelle Tirkalas