#48 - 51

In the 8-bit normalized floating-point numbers below, the most significant bit is the sign bit, followed by a 3-bit exponent (expressed in excess notation) followed by a 4-bit mantissa.

48. What value is represented by the number 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1?

49. What value is represented by the floating-point number 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1?

50. Given a floating-point number whose mantissa is 1100, what value must the exponent represent in order to represent 3/8?

51. Represent +4 and 3/4 using a 10=bit normalized floating-point notation.

  • the most significant bit is the sign bit, followed by a 4-bit exponent (expressed in excess notation) followed by a 5bit mantissa.