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Resources Links

A list of libraries and some other academic information & data resources:

1. Library Catalogue, York University

2. E-resources, York University

3. Sociology Videos, York University
You can get these videos from the York Sound and Moving Image Library which is located on the 1st floor of Scott library.

4. Racer (Rapid Access to Collections by Electronic Requesting)
Search all Ontario universities libraries catalogues with only one query; request loans of books and copies of articles or other materials, and pick it up at York! (New Service)

5. Library Catalogue, Toronto Public Library

6. Thomson Learning Centre (InfoTrach Online Research Centre)
Search over 20 million scholarly full-text articles online...

7. Centre for Academic Writing
Centre for Academic Writing offers practical instruction in all aspects of writing to all students in the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Fine Arts, the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and the Schulich School of Business.

York University Quick Links: York Library Catalogue | York E-Resources | Racer | Toronto Public Library | Sociology Videos