Selected Papers
Tchernikov, I. and Fallah, M. (2010) A Color Hierarchy for Automatic Target Selection. PLoS ONE, 5(2).
Fallah, M. and Jordan, H. (2008) Oculomotor control of spatial attention, in Cortical Mechanisms of Vision, eds. Jenkin, M, & Harris, L., Cambridge University Press.
Bodelon, C., Fallah, M., and Reynolds, J.H (2006). Time is required for perceptual integration of color and orientation. J. Neurosci. 27, 725-30.
Jordan, H., Fallah, M. and Stoner G.R. (2006) Adaptation of gender derived from biological motion. Nat. Neurosci. 9(6), 738-9.
Moore, T, Armstrong, K.M., and Fallah, M. (2003) Visuomotor origins of covert spatial attention. Neuron, 40(4), 671-83.
In the Media
The Body Machine - Discovery Channel movie
CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks - Seeing Red