Biophysics Club

Biophysics Club: Upcoming Events

Biophysics Club LogoWelcome to a new fall-winter school year fellow Biophysics Majors and Enthusiasts!

8 October 2013:

Biophysics Club Meeting

Wednesday 16 October in Petrie Room 317 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
Refreshments will be served!
Robert Moscaritolo, who graduated with the biophysics degree from York University two years ago, will make the following presentation:

Quantifying Bacterial Crowd Surfing.
Before or after the presentation, Club members will elect the new President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Executive Committee.

25 feb 2013:

UofT Medical Biophysics Program

We have a special guest speaker on Monday March 18th in Petrie Science and Engineering Rm 317 @ 1:00 pm
Senior investigator in biophotonics and biomedical optics at the UofT department of Medical Biophysics , Alex Vitkin, is our guest speaker. He will be explaining more in-depth about the summer research for undergraduates and graduate studies program. This is an opportunity to learn about the application process, what kind of applicants they are looking for, and what type of research available.
For more information about the program, visit [link]

1 feb 2013:

Biophysics Club hosts a Mouse Imaging Centre Tour

Join us during this reading week on a presentation and tour of the Mouse Imaging Centre (MICe) on Friday February 22nd, 2pm, at the Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics, 25 Orde Street [directions] image of a mouse
  • Learn about the latest imaging technologies being used to study genetically modified mice, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), micro computed tomography (Micro-CT), ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM), and optical projection tomography (OPT).
  • Get a chance to talk to grad students and professors, whose research range from modeling disease progression and experimental treatment in mice, to exploring developmental biology, to advancing image processing.
  • MICe is also one of the facilities part of the University of Toronto's Medical Biophysics program. This is a chance to get discover how graduate level studies in Biophysics could look like for you!
  • If interested in attending, please pre-register and RSVP to this event by sending an email with your name to
  • For more information on the Mouse Imaging Centre, visit the following [link]
More information [pdf]

23 nov 2012:

Bioacoustics Open House

Friday 30 November, 4:00 PM, Farquharson Building Room 114
  • Participate in an otoacoustic emissions experiment (Listen to Your Inner Ear)!
  • Open to All Interested, but space is limited.
  • Meet the New Biophysics Professor: Dr. Bergevin.

24 oct 2012:

Undergrad & Beyond

Tues Oct 30th 4pm in Petrie 317
  • Biophysics Undergraduate Alumni will come to discuss their experience at York and current experience as Graduate students
  • Casual Q&A format open to all interested!
  • 27 sep 2012:

    Election Results are In:

    To winning candidates, please contact regarding availability to meet up for an organizing meeting on Friday Sept 28.

    To all candidates who ran and did not win, there will be opportunities to participate and aid Biophysics Club related events such as the York Engineering and Science Olympics. We really appreciate your coming out to show your enthusiasm and support.

    Upcoming Events

    30 oct (11:30am - 1:00 pm) in Bethune College Room 202

    22 nov (11:30am - 1:00 pm) in Bethune College Room 202

    27 nov (11:30am - 1:00 pm)

    18 sep 2012 2012:

    Biophysics Club Position Candidates

    Sandra Khine

    Running for: President
    Personal Statement: I have been a very involved member of the Biophysics Club as both as a Vice-President and President. This will be my final year in the biophysics undergraduate program and hoping to end the club on a high note. There are already plans in progress for exciting club events that I hope to bring fruition as President. I will also be willing to provide training and hand-over package to future Executive Members to continue the club in the future

    Anthony Salerno

    Running for: Vice-President
    Personal Statement: I'm a 3rd Year Biophysics major, and I'm a very active member in the biophysics program at York. I'm a PASS leader at bethune and I helped out with academic orientation, and I know how small we are as a group, and we have a lot of joy in being so tightly knit. I enjoy doing executive things and planning! Cheers!

    Mahmoud Ballout

    Running for: Vice-President
    Personal Statement: I am running for vice president position. My main objective is to serve the biophysics community at York University in the best way possible. I am a committed, hard working individual who strives for success and helping others. I have great leadership and organizational skills, along with extensive knowledge of the activities and goals of the biophysics club, which will allow me to be a great asset to the organization.

    Devorah Jacobs

    Running for: Vice-President
    Personal Statement: Hi! My name is Devorah and I am very interested in becoming a member of the biophysics club. I would like to help out in any way that I can. I am very passionate about the subject and was initially a BioPhysics major. Due to some circumstances I have switched majors however; I am still very interested in the topic. This is one of the reasons why I would like to be as involved as possible. I believe that my involvement would benefit the club, as I am very friendly, creative and outgoing. Can't wait to meet everyone!

    Raanan Marants

    Running for: Vice-President
    Personal Statement: Hello, my name is Raanan. I am a 4th year Biophysics major, and I have been a club member ever since I started at York. I believe I should be Vice-President of the club for the following reasons: -I'm a nice, easy-going guy; very approachable -I'm on good terms with all of the Biophysics profs -I want to help promote Biophysics in any way possible: it's easily the coolest and most interdisciplinary program at York, and should be promoted as such! -I want to help plan and organize important club events such as guest talks and club trips, both of which are great ways to discover what Biophysics really is and what options it can lead to in the future I hope to get your vote!

    Gabriel Benigno

    Running for: Junior Executive
    Personal Statement: Being a part of the Biophysics Club executive team was a great experience. Having the opportunity to promote the growing field of biophysics is gratifying in the justice that more people are informed of such an interesting and relevant intersection of science.

    Khushbu Patel

    Running for: Junior Executive
    Personal Statement: Hello Everyone, I am Khushbu Patel, a first year Biophysics student. I am very creative, hardworking and easy to talk to. I will be of utmost help in running the club smoothly throughout the year.

    Arom Suh

    Running for: Treasurer
    Personal Statement: Hi, my name is Arom but you can call me Andrew and I am interested in running for treasurer position. I am a very dedicated individual whether it comes to my school work, work, or just everyday situation. I am a very open-minded,quick-thinking, and a helpful person with a very keen common sense.

    Pari Krishen

    Running for: Treasurer
    Personal Statement: Hi all, this will be my second year with the Biophysics Club and in conjunction with the president, I will be recording transactions relevant to the club including maintaining a budget through collection of membership fees, managing funds through YFS, organizing the purchase of merchandise like the club t-shirts, and organizing catering services during events and meetings. I look forward to another year with the Biophysics Club!

    Election Procedures

    Voting is to take place Monday Sept 24th (2pm to 5pm) and Tuesday Sept 25th (9am to 1pm) at Dr. Jerzak's office in Petrie 233. Stop by between the mention time slots and check off who you think is the best candidate for each position on your secret ballot. Only members who are students at York University and have paid or committed to pay membership fee of $5 may vote.? Although the ballot is secret, there will be a sign-in sheet to ensure that all those who voted are legitimate voting members.? If you miss the first meeting and wish to be a member and participate in the voting process, please write on the sign-in sheet your name, email, student number and leave $5 with Dr. Jerzak or note indicating you promise to pay the $5 membership fee in the future.

    11 sep 2012 2012:

    Biophysics Club Meeting

    Tuesday 18 September in Petrie Room 317 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
    Refreshments will be served!
    Do you want to be an executive member?
    Gain valuable experience and reward running the Biophysics Club?
    Four positions are available for this year: We are looking for enthusiastic and dedicated individuals to continue running the club into next year. No experience is necessary.
    Submit Your to:

    Complete submissions from candidates will have their name and personal statement posted on the club website for all members to read and evaluate:
    Deadline to submit: Monday Sept 17th
    --Biophysics Club Executive Team--

    Archived Announcements

    We want to congratulate the first graduates of the Biophysics program: Israel Spivak, Scott McClure, and Robert Moscaritolo, all former members of the Biophysics club.

    Election Results are In:

    Science First, Optical Tweezer Laboratory

    Petrie Rm 108 Wednesday, November 18th, 2:30pm to 5:30pm
    The Biophysics Club has volunteered to help Professor Logan Donaldson with his "Science First" out reach program by having a demo station.
    Here is a link to Dr. Donaldson's event: [link].
    Our event will be to help students Optically "Tweeze" Onion cell particles. This is also a Fourth Year BPHS lab, so those in the Biophysics program will have an early heads up on that portion of the course.

    The event itself will take place on Friday Nov. 18 starting at 2:30pm. I forsee that there will be setting up and practice run throughs an hour to 2 hours ahead of the start time.
    You can read ahead on some of the details of the event here: [link]
    If you would like to come out and help facilitate the event, engage in younger students about science and get some hands on experience in a biophysics lab, please reply to this email and state your interest and capacity in which you would like to help and as well as a contact number in which you can be immediately reached.?

    Hope everyone is getting ready for the end of the semester,
    Sandra Khine
    Biophysics Club Executive Team
    If you are interested in coming, please send an RSVP to so we can approximate how large the event will be. And as always, there will be refreshments.
    Have a relaxing Thanksgiving and Reading Week, and we'll see you after the break!

    Open House, Micropipette Impalement Demostration

    Farquharson Rm 229 Wednesday, October 26th, 2pm to 6pm
    Fungal Impaler We are planning to host an open house at Dr. Lew's lab. This is a great opportunity to talk to Dr. Lew, a great mentor for the Biophysics major and club, as well as to get a preview of what it is like to work in an Electrophysiology lab. At it you will be able to participate in a Micropipette Impalement Demo. You'll get to work with the fungi Neurospora crassa. Dr. Lew also provides summer and part time RAY positions if you are interested you will have the chance to talk to him in person about it. Just drop in anytime between 2pm and 6pm.
    If you are interested in coming, please send an RSVP to so we can approximate how large the event will be. And as always, there will be refreshments.
    Have a relaxing Thanksgiving and Reading Week, and we'll see you after the break!

    Those who would like to run for positions, please send an email to with the following information (DEADLINE 22 September):

    Gabriel Benigno

    Running for: Junior Executive
    Personal Statement: As a first year undergrad student who has a passion for this field of science and is actively involved in York through the varsity tennis team, soon to be intramural sports, participation in Bethune College's organized intramural sports and workshops, I feel I would be able to reach out to lots of junior level students and inform them about the biophysics club and how they can get involved.

    Anthony Salerno

    Running for: Vice President
    Personal Statement: The position I'm looking to acquire is the Vice President, and I believe I will be a good asset in this position because I am a very friendly, confident and outgoing person that is responsible. I feel that I will definitely help the Biophysics Club help pick itself up and make it a much more enjoyable environment for everyone involved.

    Sandra Khine

    Running for: President
    Personal Statement: Hello, fellow members and interested peers, I'm Sandra and the current Vice President of the Biophysics Club. I'm a senior Biophysics major, and have great advice and encouragement to impart. I have experience booking rooms, flyering, advertising, and running events for the Biophysics Club and can show new executives the ropes. I'm hoping to plan guest lecturers, information sessions for what the field is about, and socials. As president, I want to rebuild the club into a cohesive community that's there to help and mentor each other.

    This information will be compiled and posted above (as well as at our first meeting and voting ballot stations). The first voting station will happen at Sept 26, 6pm in Petrie 317 during our first meeting. The second voting time will occur Sept 27, 2pm-4pm at Farquharson 229.

    Our first meeting will be held on MONDAY, SEPT 26 at 5pm in 317 Petrie. Membership is just $5 for the whole year.

    The first meeting will essentially be an introduction to everyone interested in being part of the club and to discuss an overall mandate for what you want to achieve as being part of the club.

    There will be: