Publications from The Audette Lab
NCBI PubMed search for "G.F. Audette"
2011 - Present
- Lento, C., Audette, G.F. & Wilson, D. Time-resolved electrospray mass spectrometry – a brief history. Can. J. Chem. (2014). (Abstract)
- Shala, A., Patel, K., Golemi-Kotra, D. & Audette, G.F. Expression, purification, crystallizatoin and preliminary X-ray analysis of the receiver domain of Staphylococcus aureus LytR protein. Acta Crystallog. F69, 1418-1421 (2013). (Abstract, PDF).
- Dudzik, J., Chang, W.-C., Kannan, A.M., Filipek, A., Viswanathan, S., Li, P., Renugopalakrishnan & Audette, G.F. Cross-Linked Glucose Oxidase Clusters for Biofuel Cell Anode Catalysts. Biofabrication 5: 035009 (2013). (Abstract, PDF)
- Petrov, A., Lombardo, S. & Audette, G.F. Fibril-Mediated Oligomerization of Pilin-derived Protein Nanotubes. J. Nanobiotechnol. 11:24 (2013) (Open Access) - Featured in BioMed Central's online magazine Biome.
- Petrov, A. & Audette, G.F. Peptide & Protein Nanotubes for Bionanotechnology. WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol (2012). (Abstract, PDF)
- A. Shala, M. Ferraro & G.F. Audette. Bacterial Secretion Systems: Nanomachines for Infection and Genetic Diversity, in R. Bawa, G.F. Audette & I. Rubenstein Eds. Clinical Nanomedicine: From Bench to Bedside, Pan Sanford Publishing, Singapore, pp. 1-22 (2012) (In Press)
- Reinstein, O., Neves, M.D., Saad, M., Boodram, S., Lombardo, S., Beckham, S.A., Brouwer, J., Audette, G.F., Groves, P., Wilce, M.C.J. & Johnson, P.E. Engineering a Structure Switching Mechanism into a Steroid Binding Aptamer and Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Ligand Binding Mechanism. Biocehmistry 50(43), 9368-9376. (2011) (Abstract, PDF)
- Audette, G.F., Lombardo, S., Dudzik, J., Arruda, T.M., Kolinski, M., Filipek, S., Mukerjee, S., Kannan, A.M., Thavasi, V., Ramakrishna, S., Chin, M., Somasundaran, P., Viswanathan, S., Keles, R.S, & Renugopalakrishnan, V. Protein hotspots at bio-nano interfaces. Materials Today 14(7-8), 360-365 (2011). (Abstract, PDF)
2006 - 2010
- Lombardo, S., Zahedijasbi, S., Jeung, S.-K., Morin, S. & Audette, G.F. Initial Studies of Protein Nanotube Oligomerization from a Modified Gold Surface. J. Bionanosci. 3(1), 61-65 (2009). (Abstract, PDF)
- Kannan, A.M., Renugopalakrishnan, V., Filipek, S., Li, P., Audette, G.F. & Munukutla, L. Bio-Batteries and Bio-Fuel Cells: Leveraging on Electronic Charge Transfer Proteins. J. Nanosci Nanotechnol. 9(3), 1665-1678 (2009). (Abstract,PDF)
V. Renugopalakrishnan, A.M. Kannan, T. Velmurugan, S. Ramakrishna, P. Li, A. Mershin, S. Filipek, E. Padros, A. Kumar, J. Dutta, A. Jaya, S. Srinivasan, L. Muukulta, K. Ilangovan, T. Lazarova & G.F. Audette. Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion Applications - Biosolar and biofuel cells, Monograph series, American Scientific Publishers (2008)
- Yu, B., Giltner, C., van Schaik, E.J., Bautista, D.L., Hodges, R.S., Audette, G.F., Li, D.Y. Irvin, R.T. A Novel Biometallic Interface: High Affinity Tip-Asscoiated Binding by Pilin-Derived Protein Nanotubes. J. Bionanosci., 1, 73-83 (2007).(Abstract, PDF)
- Audette, G.F. & Hazes, B. Development of Protein Nanotubes from a Multi-Purpose Biological Structure. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 7, 2222-2229 (2007).(Abstract, PDF)
- Audette, G.F., Manchak, J., Beatty, P., Klimke, W.A. & Frost, L.S. Entry exclusion in F-like plasmids requires intact TraG in the donor that recognizes its cognate TraS in the recipient. Microbiology, 153, 442-451 (2007). (Abstract; PDF)
- Ma, B., Audette, G.F., Lin, S., Palcic, M.M., Hazes, B. & Taylor, D.E. Purification, Kinetic Characterization and Mapping the Minimal Catalytic Domain and Key Polar Groups for Helicobater pylori alpha-1,3/4 Fucosyltransferases. J. Biol. Chem., 281, 6385-6394 (2006). (Abstract; PDF)
- Giltner, C.L., van Schaik, E.J., Audette, G.F., Kao, D., Hodges, R.S., Hassett, D.J. & Irvin, R.T. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa type IV Pilin Receptor Binding Domain Functions as an Adhesin to Both Biotic and Abiotic Surfaces. Mol. Microbiol. 59, 1083-1096 (2006). (Abstract; PDF)
2000 - 2005
- Bacik, J.-P., Brigley, A.M., Channon, L.D., Audette, G.F. & Hazes, B. Purification, crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of an ectromelia virus glutaredoxin. Acta Cryst F61, 550-552 (2005). (Abstract; PDF)
- Osman, M.S., Silver, E.T., Varghese, J.C., Chang, C.S., Gong, D.-E., Audette, G.F., Hazes, B.H. & Kane, K.P. Epitope mapping of Ly-49G and G-like receptors: CK-1 antibody defines a polymorphic site of functional interaction with class I ligand. J. Leukoc. Biol. 77, 644-651 (2005). (Abstract; PDF)
- van Schaik, E.J., Giltner, C.L., Audette, G.F., Keizer, D.W., Bautista, D.L., Slupsky, C.M., Sykes, B.D. & Irvin, R.T. DNA-Binding: A Novel Function of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Type IV Pili. J. Bacteriol. 187(4), 1455-1464 (2005). (Abstract; PDF)
- Audette, G.F., Holland, S.J., Elton, T.S., Manchak, J., Hayakawa, K., Frost, L.S. & Hazes, B. Crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of TraF, a component of the Escherichia coli type IV secretory system. Acta Cryst. D60, 2025-2027 (2004). (Abstract; PDF)
- Audette, G.F., van Schaik, E.J., Hazes, B. & Irvin, R.T. DNA-Binding Protein Nanotubes: Learning from Nature's Nanotech examples. Nano Letters. 4(10), 1897-1902 (2004). (Abstract; PDF)
- Audette, G.F., Irvin, R.T. & Hazes, B. Crystallographic Analysis of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain K122-4 Monomeric Pilin Reveals a Conserved Receptor Binding Architecture. Biochemistry 43(36), 11427-11435 (2004). (Abstract; PDF)
- Audette, G.F., Irvin, R.T. & Hazes, B. Purification, crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain K122-4 monomeric pilin. Acta Cryst. D59, 1665-1667 (2003). (Abstract; PDF)
- Audette, G.F., Delbaere, L.T.J. & Xiang, J. Mapping Protein:Carbohydrate Interactions. Curr. Prot. Pept. Sci. 4(1), 11-20 (2003). (Abstract; PDF)
- Audette, G.F., Olson, D.J.H., Ross, A.R.S, Quail, J.W. & Delbaere, L.T.J. Examination of the Structural Basis for O(H) Blood Group Specificity by Ulex europaeus Lectin I. Can. J. Chem. 80, 1010-1021 (2002). (Abstract; PDF)
- Audette, G.F., Vandonselaar, M. & Delbaere, L.T.J. The 2.2 Å Resolution Structure of the O(H) Blood Group Specific Lectin I from Ulex europaeus. J. Mol. Biol. 304(3), 423-433 (2000). (Abstract; PDF)
- Audette, G.F., Engelmann, R., Hengstenberg, W., Deutscher, J., Hayakawa, K., Quail, J.W. & Delbaere, L.T.J. The 1.9 Å Resolution Structure of Phospho-Serine 46 HPr from Enterococcus faecalis. J. Mol. Biol. 303(4), 545-553 (2000). (Abstract; PDF)