Teaching in the Audette Lab
Courses currently taught by Dr. Audette
Chemistry 3050 - Advanced Biochemistry - Enzymes & Metabolism
(Cross-listed with Biol/Bchm 3010)
Chemistry 3051 - Macromolecules of Biochemical Interest (2010 Course Outline)
(Cross-listed with Biol/Bchm 3051)
Chemistry 3070 - Industrial & Green Chemistry (with Profs. G. Lavoie & P. Potvin)
Chemistry & Biochemistry 4000 - Research Project (Course Coordinator)
- The Biochemistry Program Web-site
- Some Helpful Tips for Honours Projects
Chemistry 4092/5092 - Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography (2010 Course Outline)
Chemistry 6240 - Advanced Toipics in Bioorganic Chemistry (with Prof. P. Johnson)