The Labour Education and 
Training Research Network

Le Réseau de recherche en 
formation et travail 



A new email list has been established for the public to receive news and other material related to the work of the Labour Education and Training Research Network. It is called News-Nouvelles-TFL. Although subscribers will not be able to post directly to the list, they are encouraged to forward items of interest to to be reposted to the list.

If you would like to subscribe, you can send a message to, leaving the subject line blank. In the body of the message enter only the command in the following format:

subscribe News-Nouvelles-TFL Your Name

CataList, the catalog of LISTSERV lists. From this page, you can browse any of the 21,715 public LISTSERV lists on the Internet, search for mailing lists of interest, and get information about LISTSERV host sites. This information is generated automatically from LISTSERV's LISTS database.
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