International Secretariat for Human Development

 Teaching Resource: Table of Contents



Innovative aspects


Knowledge without boundaries: our approach








Theme 1 Understanding the process of knowledge production


Theme 2 Scholarship on knowledge production    


Theme 3 Gender, Race, Indigeniety


Theme 4 Gender, Work, Political economy


Theme 5 Gender and Development: overview


Theme 6 Gender and Development: various topics


This project has been made possible with the support of The International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada; The ART Initiative and York University

This is a truly collaborative endeavour, with each member having participated in every aspect of the research and overall project development. Primary responsibilties were allocated as follows (you can read more about our team here):

Conceptualization and development 
of the  teaching resource

Kate Ervine

Introductory guide on Migration 
and Work

Evelyn Encalada Grez

Collaboration with Red de Mujeres, 
Costa Rica

Paula Hevia-Pacheco

Developing conceptual approach paper, Knowledge Without Boundaries

Krista Hunt

Introductory guide on Indigenous 
Women and translation of
Doble Mirada

Vivian Jimenez

Material from Africa, and editing 
of the english version of
Doble Mirada

Sarah Macharia

Research on indigenous women

Dolores Figueroa Romero

Material from South Asia

Tina Virmani