International Secretariat for Human Development

As of September 2004, we have received funding from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada to develop curricular material to be used in teaching gender and human development, broadly defined.

The specific goal of the project is to create an inventory of material that represents voices, experiences, and conceptualisations of gender from various structural and geographical locations, in particular those that are marginalized.  The broader conceptual goal is to arrive at a deeper understanding of the similarities and variations between these conceptualisations. We are interested in identifying experiences, intiatives, issues which are being (or can potentially be) documented and developed in formats appropriate for teaching. Our hope is that this process will stimulate the production of new, and more participatory, forms of knowledge and help dissolve the sharp divide that currently exists between academic and 'practical' knowledge.

Please click on the links on the left for a brief description of this project, to meet our team and to visit our inventory. The inventory is archived on our electronic gateway the Human Development Resource Net (HDRNet). HDRNet is supported by various patners, in particular the ART-Universitas of  the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Secretariat is also collaborating with CEBEM, Bolivia to extend this project through the development of online courses on themes such as gender and human development.



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