Augmented Syntax Diagrams - Software available for free download
Copyright 2003-2015 James A. Mason

last update 2015 Mar 30
You are free to download and use the tools and examples at
this site, with appropriate acknowledgment of their origin, and
for those licensed under the Apache
2.0 license, in compliance with the terms of that
license. The tools and examples are provided with no
warranty expressed or implied.
This site now contains the latest versions of
- ASDEditor (1.10a) - a
graphical editor for ASD grammars. To run it in
Microsoft Windows with a Java Run-Time Environment (JRE)
installed, download the asddigraphs.jar executable jar file
(see below) and double-click on that file.
- ASDParser (2.01) - a
left-corner, bottom-up parser that uses ASD grammars
- ASDDecider (1.01) - a
modification of ASDParser to permit ASD grammar networks to be
used as decision networks, and to search them with unordered sets of decision
parameter value tokens, instead of the ordered lists of lexical
tokens which make up the phrases that ASDParser parses.
as well as the utility programs
- ASDCheck (1.01) -
checks an ASD grammar for well-formedness and also counts words
and phrase types, nodes and edges in the grammar
- ASDCount(1.01) -
counts words and phrase types, nodes, and total lines of text in
an ASD grammar file
- ASDDeciderTester(1.01)
- allows testing of ASD grammars used as decision networks with
ASDDecider; it is a modification of ASDTester.
- ASDParseTest (1.02) -
allows testing of ASD grammars and parsing; has a command-line
user interface
- ASDTester (1.06) -
allows testing of ASD grammars and parsing, including stepwise
parsing and display of phrase structure at each step; has a
graphical user interface
- DefinedUsed (1.02) -
cross references ASD grammar files and the phrase types defined
and used in them
- MergeGrammars (1.01) -
merges ASD grammars from separate files into a single file
ASDEditor,ASDParser, ASDDecider, ASDCheck, and MergeGrammars are in each of
the files asddigraphs.jar,, and asddigraphs.tar.gz. ASDTester, ASDDeciderTester, and DefinedUsed are in the files asdx.jar,,
and asdx.tar.gz
. ASDCount and ASDParseTest are classes
defined in the Java default package; but ASDParseTest uses classes in
the asddigraphs
archive file.
To run the software you will need the Java Run-time Environment
(JRE), which can be downloaded from Oracle's
Java download site . If you want to develop additional
examples in Java that use the ASDParser, you will of course need
the full Java development environment (Software Development Kit,
or SDK), which can be downloaded from the same site. You may
also want to explore Oracle's
Java site .
Downloadable files containing
ASD software and utilities other than examples:
- asddigraphs.jar - a
Java Archive file that contains the latest versions of the ASDEditor,
the ASDParser, and the ASDDecider,
as well as utility programs ASDCheck and MergeGrammars,
implemented in Java SE 6 and 8. More specifically, it
contains classes belonging to two packages: asd and
digraphs. See the release notes and javadoc documentation for
details of their use. The current version of
asddigraphs.jar is an executable jar file which, when
run (for instance by double-clicking it in Windows), runs
- - a
zip file containing the asddigraphs.jar file
- asddigraphs.tar.gz
- a compressed version of the asddigraphs.jar file
suitable for downloading to Unix systems.
- asdx.jar - a Java Archive file that
contains compiled code for the latest versions of the utility
programs ASDTester and DefinedUsed, whose source
code is available via links below.
- - a zip file containing the
asdx.jar file.
- asdx.tar.gz - a compressed version
of the asdx.jar file suitable for downloading to Unix
- ApacheLicensedSourceCode
- open source code licensed under the Apache 2.0
license. Notes:
(1) The source code involves intricate data
structures and algorithms. Additional documentation of
these will be provided subsequently at this site. Users are advised not to attempt modifications of
ASDParser. (2) The source code and
related modules were created while the author was learning the
intricacies of Java awt and Swing components. It could
well be improved. Suggestions for its improvement will be
- - the
Java source code for a program to test ASD grammars with the
ASDParser. This program is a major improvement over ASDParseTest
(see below). It runs in its own window and sends its
output to a scrollable pane in that window, rather than to
System.out. The program is included in the package asdx,
which is in each of the downloadable binary files asdx.jar,, and asdx.tar.gz .
ASDTester can be run with one of the following commands:
From an MS-Windows command window: java -cp
asddigraphs.jar;asdx.jar;. asdx/ASDTester
From a Unix command window: java -cp
asddigraphs.jar:asdx.jar:. asdx/ASDTester
Alternatively, if you add the asddigraphs.jar and asdx.jar
files to your system's CLASSPATH, then you can simply use
java asdx/ASDTester
See the release notes for more
details about the latest version.
- - the Java
source code for a program to test ASD grammars which are used to
represent decision networks with ASDDecider. It is a
modification of, and can be run in a similar manner to,
- - the
Java source code for a tool for indexing and cross-referencing a
collection of ASD grammar files, as specified in a "build" list
of the kind that is used by the MergeGrammars utility
(which is in the asd package in archive asddigraphs.jar
above). The compiled DefinedUsed utility is in
the asdx package (which is in the archive asdx.jar
above.) It produces an index that relates phrase types to
the files in which they are defined and the files in which they
are used. It lists all undefined phrase types and unused
phrase types in the given collection of grammar files.
Finally, it cross references the grammar files themselves
according to which other grammar files they depend on and which
they support. It can be used as follows, where buildListFileName
is the name of the file that contains the "build" list of
grammar files, and outputFileName is the name for a
file to which DefinedUsed is to write its output.
From an MS-Windows command window:
java -cp asddigraphs.jar;asdx.jar;.
asdx/DefinedUsed < buildListFileName > outputFileNameFrom
a Unix command window:
java -cp asddigraphs.jar:asdx.jar:.
asdx/DefinedUsed < buildListFileName > outputFileName
Alternatively, if you add the asddigraphs.jar and asdx.jar
files to your system's CLASSPATH, then you can simply use
java asdx/DefinedUsed < buildListFileName
> outputFileName
-, with
corresponding class file ASDCount.class
- a stand-alone tool for counting words, instances, and lines in
an ASD grammar file. Usage: java ASDCount <
- ASDParseTest - a
first version of a program to test grammars with instances of
ASDParser. It is more primitive than ASDTester.
See also the Examples link here or
above for downloadable files that implement various examples of the
use of Augmented Syntax Diagrams.