
Theâtre du Chatelet (Chatelet Theatre)

libretto (booklet/little book) = Jean Cocteau
music = Erik Satie
stage set and costumes = Pablo Picasso
choreography = Léonide Massine
dancers = Les Ballets Russes (Russian Ballet)

Serge Diaghilev

Guillaume Apollinaire
“stage poem”
“new spirit”
“realist ballet”

“low” art/popular art
“high” art/elite art

Georges Seurat, The Can-Can, 1889-90
Georges Seurat, The Circus, 1891

La Pavillon d’Armide (Scene 2), 1907
André Le Nôtre
music = Nikolay Tcherepnin
set design = Alexandre Benois
choreograhy = Michel Fokine
Maryninsky Theatre, St. Petersburg

Chinese Conjurer/Magician (Massine)
Chung Ling Soo

Acrobat (Nicholas Zverev)
The Eight Allisons

Little American Girl (Marie Chabelska)
Mary Pickford
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, 1917
Still: “The Queen of the Circus”

Les Sylphides, Ballets Russes, 1916

Picasso, Curtain for Parade
Picasso, Family of Saltimbanques, 1905
Picasso, Stages Sets for Parade
Picasso, Woman with a Mandolin, 1910
Analytic Cubism

French Stage Manager
American Stage Manager

Picasso, Still Life with Chair Caning, 1912
Synthetic Cubism

Au Claire de la Lune
Frère Jacques
Irving Berlin, That Mysterious Rag, 1911
Ragtime du Titanic/Paquebot (steamboat)

Le Moulin Rouge
Le Chat Noire