Professor Willem
Maas was first awarded a Jean Monnet Chair in 2008 and most recently renewed for the 2019-2022 period.
Jean Monnet Chairs promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies. York University is privileged to also have a second Jean Monnet Chair, professor
Heather MacRae. As Jean Monnet Chair, professor Maas teaches, conducts research, and organizes events.
Courses (2019-2022 funding period)
Politics and Public Policy in Europe Public policy traditionally focuses on domestic politics but decades of integration have significantly altered the conduct of government and governance in Europe. This course analyzes European politics and public policy in areas such as migration, citizenship, borders, economics, and law.
The Netherlands and Europeanization This intensive summer course fosters an understanding of political, social, and economic transformations in the EU by focusing on one of the original six member states, the Netherlands.
European Union Symposium This course develops the student's knowledge of a selected country or region of the world and also project management capabilities.
European Integration This intensive fourth-year seminar fosters an understanding of political, economic, and social changes in Europe.
- Research:
- "European Citizenship in the Ongoing Brexit Process,"
in International Studies, 2021.
- "Money in Internal Migration: Financial Resources and Unequal Citizenship,"
in De Lange, Maas, and Schrauwen, eds.,
Money Matters in Migration, Cambridge University Press, 2021.
- "Citizenship, Refugees, and Migration in the European Union,"
in Giugni and Grasso, eds.,
Handbook of Citizenship and Migration, Edward Elgar, 2021.
- "European Citizenship and Free Movement after Brexit,"
in Scott Greer and Janet Laible, eds., The
European Union after Brexit, Manchester University Press,
- "Citizenship and Free Movement in Comparative Federalism,"
in Nils Ringe and Jae-Jae Spoon,
eds., The European Union and Beyond: Multi-Level Governance, Institutions and Policy-Making, ECPR Press,
- "Federalism, Borders, and Citizenship,"
in Erik Jones,
ed., European Studies: Past, Present, and Future, Agenda Publishing
- Selected Events:
- Comparative Multilevel Citizenship, virtual workshop 9 May 2022.
- Fall 2021 Jean Monnet guest speakers.
- The Netherlands and Europeanization guest speakers, summer 2021
- His Excellency João da Camara, ambassador of Portugal to Canada, 10Mar2021.
- "Normative and Civilizational politics of the EU enlargement: The case of LGBT rights", Koen Slootmaeckers (City, University of London), 23Feb2021.
- "Transforming the European Legal Order", Jessica Guth (Leeds Beckett University), 2Feb2021.
- Fall 2020 Jean Monnet guest speakers.
- The Netherlands and Europeanization guest speakers, summer 2020
- European Union Symposium, 12Mar2020
- "Brexit as Politically Hopeful Phenomenon", Tom Angier (University of Cape Town), 5Mar2020.
- Glendon Research Symposium on the European Union, featuring papers by two dozen students from a dozen universities, discussant comments from profs Maas,
Heather MacRae, Dagmar Soennecken, and Anna Triandafyllidou, and a keynote by Mr Brice de Schietere (Chargé d’affaires, EU Delegation to Canada), 25Nov2019.
- "EU-Canada Relations: The View from Finland", His Excellency Roy Eriksson, ambassador of Finland to Canada, 13Nov2019
- "Is the EU a federal state?", Iwona Wronska, Jan Kochanowski University Kielce, 1Nov2019.
- "Schengen and European Asylum Policy", Sara Poli, University of Pisa, 7Oct2019.
- "West Balkan States and the Future of the European Union" and "Small States and European Integration in a Complex International Environment", Mitja Durnik, University of Ljubljana, 30Sept2019.
- "Borders, Brexit, and European Foreign Policy", Stephan Keukeleire, KU Leuven, 2Apr2019.
- The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
