SOSC 4318: Modes of Communication: "Reading Television?"
That 70's Show

With the exception of two participants, who both live on York University campus residence and only have access to UHF (free-air) television, all other respondents normally watch cable television. On average, participants reported watching between 2-6 hours of television per week, with approximately half-to-one-full hour spent watching Frasier each week. Although extreme, one respondent admitted to watching in excess of eleven hours of television per week, not including movies on her satellite dish!
Many of those interviewed prefer watching television alone while in their bedrooms, dens or study/reading rooms. However, when viewers watched television in their family/living/ entertainment rooms, kitchens or residence common rooms, they were usually in the company of others. This finding suggests that whichever room viewers chose to watch television in, influenced if they were alone or with others, although ultimately the choice is their own.
When interviewees watched Frasier in the company of others, they reserved their conversations and discussions about the show until commercials. Its common for viewers to discuss the show during commercials, instead of disrupting nearby viewers and preventing more information to be missed. Except for the highly anticipated episode where Niles and Daphne finally get together, most respondents claim not to regularly discuss the show with others after they have seen it.
It is interesting that a few respondents favoured watching Frasier in privacy in order to concentrate on the show. As one interviewee explained, “the show is quick and really have to concentrate to catch all the jokes.” This is a common response of viewers, as they claim the show is mentally challenging and requires a conscious effect to make sense of the all the run-on jokes, especially the ‘snappy’ commentary from the Krane brothers. In fact, its rumoured that somewhere between the second and third season, the characters actually slowed their lines to curb complaints from viewers who couldn’t keep up with them!!!!! Although a reliable source for this rumour cannot be established, simple comparison between early re-runs and the newer episodes, indicates that the entire cast now speak more slowly and relaxed.

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