CONTENT ANALYSIS OF THE SOPRANO'S According to Grossberg, ì Content Analysis is the systematic and objective method of describing the manifest of surface content oaf given text .î In other words, Content Analysis is a tool that determines the presence of certain concepts or ideas within a given Dexter set of texts. Researchers can then quantify and analyse the presence and meaning of such concepts and ideas and then make inferences about the content of messages to the text or texts. Content Analysis shall be performed on season two of the TV show, ì The Sopranos î, from episode 14 ‚ 26, to determine the content and meaning of this season. Does season two revolve around family, or is it drugs and violence. Better yet, is the main content of season two based on Mafia crime and business? My hypothesis is that season two will have a mixture of everything. It will deal with a mixture of family issues, violence, drugs, as well as Mafia business. Only content analysis on the entire season will give us a better understanding of the focus of season two and will also let us determine whether the reader must read deeply into each episode in order to understand the content. In this research, each episode of season two has been analysed and each episode is examined and categorized into different areas. Each episode can be put into a maximum of two categories. The amount of episodes in each category will be an indication of the content of season two Daanish Jaffer