SOSC 4319
2003 - 2004

Group Project






Reference Page

By:Laura Onofrio

Berger, A. (1997). Narratives in Popular Culture, Media and Everyday Life. Sage Publications. Pp.19-38.

Berkenkotter, Carol & Huckin, Thomas. (1995). Genre Knowledge in Disciplining Communication: Cognition/ Culture/ Power. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Cantor, Muriel.(1983). The Soap Opera. Sage Publications. Beverly Hills.

CBS BroadcastingInc. (2003).

Chandler, Daniel. (1997). An Introduction to Genre Theory.

Cox, Jim. (1999). The Great Radio Soap Operas. McFarland & Company, Inc. North Carolina.

Edmondson, Madeleine & Rounds, David. (1973). The Soaps: Daytime Serials of Radio and TV. Stein and Day Publishing. New York.

Grossberg, Lawrence. (1998). Mediamaking: Mass Media in a Popular Culture. Sage Publications. Pp.147-176.

Hobson, Dorothy. (2003). Soap Opera. Polity Press. Cambridge.

Kilborn, Richard. (1992). Television Soaps. B.T Batsford Ltd. London

Matelski, Marilyn. (1988). The Soap Opera Evolution: America's Enduring Romance with Daytime Drama. McFarland & Company, Inc. London.








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