SOSC 4319
2003 - 2004

Group Project






Work - a device to facilitate realism in soap operas

By: Laura Onofrio

Work is a major element of the soap opera; however, it is not a central theme or driving force of the narrative. The incorporation of the concept of work helps reinforce the realism of soap operas. The only difference between the radio and television soap opera and the concept of work is types of jobs held by its characters. "The occupational levels among soap opera characters have changed substantially over the last several decades. Housewives and professionals have been around since the early radio serials; however, their prominence in daytime dramas have fluctuated with the changing work force in America (Matelski: 1988:21)." However, the major theme behind soap operas has always been love, romance and the ups and downs of intimate relationships. Other themes, such as drug and alcohol abuse, family life and conflicts between families, sex, mental and physical illness, crime and deviance, have been subject to change in accordance with the social changes of the 'real' world.








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