Guiding Light:
The Longest
Running Soap Opera - From Radio to TV
By: Laura Onofrio
Dominant Families Throughout the Soap's
· 1937 - The minister, his family
and the congregation
· Late 1940s - the Bauer family. The storylines surrounding
the Bauer family throughout the 1940s and 1950s were about the
ups and downs of marriage, love and relationships. The early 1960s
continues with the traditional themes but also began to emphasize
the education and professional development of the younger generation
of the Bauers. The theme of the health, medicine and illness was
becoming increasingly common in the storylines.
· The late 60s had two prominent families, The Bauers and
the Norrises.
· The 1970s saw Springfield expand as two more families
were added, the Spauldings and the Marlers and later on in the
1980s with the Norrises being decreasinlyg prevalent on the soap
since the murder of the family head in the early 1970s.
· By the 1980s the Bauers were on their way out as the
Spauldings, Chamberlains, Reaklons and Lewises became the central
families from which more storylines evolved (Matelski:
Significant Events in Guiding Light's History:
· 1937 - 1950: The most significant events during this
time were marriage and death
· 1950: Meta Bauer shoots and kills her ex-husband Ted
· 1955: First time show mentions physical illness as Joe
Roberts dies of cancer
· 1961: First adoption storyline introduced
· 1962: Bert Bauer undergoes uterine cancer surgery
· 1966: Julie Bauer commits suicide
· 1967: Ben Scott dies of heart attack
· 1968: Bill Bauer has a heart transplant
· 1969: Ed Bauer arrested for drunk driving
· 1972: Johnny Fletcher has a nervous breakdown
· 1976: Ed Bauer and Holly Norris divorce
· 1983: Rick, Mindy, Beth and Phillip graduate from high
· 1991: Lillian discovers a lump in her breast