(2008): SSHRC + The Inukshuk Fund (with Prof. Evelyne Corcos, Glendon College) for screenPLAY:
An Interactive Video Learning Resource for At-Risk Teens.
Screenplay engages these teens through new media technologies and an appealing interactive gaming experience
(2005): Startup grant used for Shakespeare XML Project ($6000) and (2008) an internal SSHRC ($2000). Paper given at The Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the RSA (Renaissance Society of America) Refereed.
(2007-2008): From The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada to support and develop good videoconferencing pedagogy for faculty at the Schulich School of Dentistry & Medicine, the University of Western Ontario: "The Videoconference Instructor: Just-in-Time VC Pedagogy" ($5000). "The VC Instructor" will be shared and used by all the English-speaking teaching hospitals in Ontario through the CHEC-CESC (Canadian Healthcare Education Commons).
(2000): For Digital Architecture now housed at the University of Ottawa. Learn Canada and elsewhere. This project was part of Canarie No. 59, a $2.3 million grant awarded to a consortium of 10 collaborating partners to develop an online course on the pedagogy of videoconferencing in high bandwidth (dark fiber) environments. My piece at Learn Canada was ($320,950).
Consortium members of CANARIE No. 59:
(2005): Startup grant used for Shakespeare XML Project ($6000) and (2008) an internal SSHRC ($2000). Paper given at The Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the RSA (Renaissance Society of America) Refereed.
(2007-2008): From The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada to support and develop good videoconferencing pedagogy for faculty at the Schulich School of Dentistry & Medicine, the University of Western Ontario: "The Videoconference Instructor: Just-in-Time VC Pedagogy" ($5000). "The VC Instructor" will be shared and used by all the English-speaking teaching hospitals in Ontario through the CHEC-CESC (Canadian Healthcare Education Commons).
(2000): For Digital Architecture now housed at the University of Ottawa. Learn Canada and elsewhere. This project was part of Canarie No. 59, a $2.3 million grant awarded to a consortium of 10 collaborating partners to develop an online course on the pedagogy of videoconferencing in high bandwidth (dark fiber) environments. My piece at Learn Canada was ($320,950).
Consortium members of CANARIE No. 59:
- Dr. Christian Blanchette, Dr. Don McDonell, U. of Ottawa
- Dr. Peter Paolucci, Learn Canada / York University
- Mario Therrien, Glendon College, York U.
- Dr. Louise Marchand, Université de Montréal
- Serge Blais, Centre National de Formation en Santé
- Dr. Gordon Wallace, Faculty of Medicine, U. of Ottawa
- Dr. André Maisonneuve, Chattaqua Inc.
- Dr. Claudette Tardif, U. of Alberta
- Dr. Fréchette, Collège universitaire Saint-Boniface
- Eli Abdul-Masi, IBM Canada