SOSC 4319
2003 - 2004

Group Project







Character Development - Mr. Knightley and Josh

By Vicki Unsworth

Mr. John Knightley's character was a distinguished, wealthy, attractive, older English gentleman whose brother married Emma's elder sister, Isabel. He lived close to the Woodhouse residence and often visited with Emma and her father. He was well liked and respected by other characters in the novel and it was clear that he and Emma shared a close relationship. Jane Austen wrote the story in such a way that her readers do not even think about Mr. Knightley as a match her Emma. At one point in the story where Emma insulted her poor family friend Ms. Bates, Knightley scolded her and freely told her that he was disappointed with her behaviour, "Badly done Emma". Towards the end of the novel, it became clear that Mr. Knightley was far from a brother figure for Emma, she was madly in love with him!

In Clueless, Mr. Knightley's character was modernized into Josh, Cher's ex-stepbrother. His character appeared early on in the film as the geeky, annoying, flannel wearing, political activist. He visited Cher and her father occasionally and the audience quickly realized that the two had absolutely nothing in common with one another. Cher loved shopping, going to parties and matchmaking, Josh was interested in social issues, loved reading and being a student.











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