Category: Temperature measurement in Capillary Electrophoresis
105. Patel, K.H.; Evenhuis, C.J.; Cherney, L.T.; Krylov, S.N. Simplified universal method for determining electrolyte temperatures (SUMET) in a capillary electrophoresis instrument with forced-air cooling. Electrophoresis 2012, 33, 1079-1085. (PDF file)
88. Evenhuis, C.J.; Musheev, M.U.; Krylov, S.N. Universal method for determining electrolyte temperatures in capillary electrophoresis. Analytical Chemistry 2011, 83, 1808-1814. (PDF file)
82. Evenhuis, C.J.; Musheev, M.U.; Krylov, S.N. Heat-associated field distortion (HAFD) in electro-migration techniques. Analytical Chemistry 2010, 82, 8398-8401. (PDF file)
81. Musheev, M.U.; Filiptsev, Y.; Krylov, S.N. Temperature difference between the cooled and the noncooled parts of an electrolyte in capillary electrophoresis. Analytical Chemistry 2010, 82, 8692-8695. (PDF file)
80. Musheev, M.U.; Filiptsev, Y.; Krylov, S.N. Noncooled capillary inlet: a source of systematic errors in capillary electrophoresis-based affinity analyses. Analytical Chemistry 2010, 82, 8637-8641. (PDF file)
67. Musheev, M.U.; Javaherian, S.; Okhonin, V.; Krylov, S.N. Diffusion as a tool of measuring temperature inside a capillary. Analytical Chemistry 2008, 80, 6752-6757. (PDF file)
43. Berezovski, M.; Krylov, S.N. Using nonequilibrium capillary electrophoresis of equilibrium mixtures for the determination of temperature in capillary electrophoresis. Analytical Chemistry 2004, 76, 7114-7117. (PDF file)