TIEDI York University

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TIEDI Exchange Forum 3: Friday, October 7, 2011, 8am-12:30pm

Thank you everyone for attending TIEDI Forum 2011. We had over 100 people in attendance!

For copies of handouts distributed in this forum, please click on the presentation links below. "Research Snapshots" provide synthesis of several analytical report findings. For photos, click here.

To stay informed with TIEDI's new Public Outreach Project, click here.


Location: Osgoode Professional Development Centre, (1 Dundas Street West, Suite 2602 (26th floor), south-west corner of Yonge and Dundas)


1) Policy makers and analysts studying economic integration of immigrants
2) Directors of immigrant service agencies and advocacy groups, employer associations, regulatory bodies, professional associations, training organizations, labour organizations, and credential assessment agencies in Toronto
3) Community partners of TIEDI


The Toronto Immigrant Employment Data Initiative (TIEDI) seeks to assist community organizations whose mandate includes the better integration of immigrants into Toronto’s labour force. The purpose of the project is to provide such organizations with free access to statistical data and analysis on various aspects of immigrant labour market integration so that these organizations can identify priorities, develop programs and services, compose proposals and reports, and carry out advocacy and public education endeavours. Since 2008, TIEDI has produced 26 analytical reports, 34 fact sheets and 15 monthly labour force updates about the current labour market outcomes of immigrants in Toronto CMA.

To mark the culmination of almost 3 years of analysis, this event consisted of three synthesizing presentations that has summarized some key findings from TIEDI's work. Each presentation also had a community-based discussant from our partners from TRIEC, OCASI and WES.  The Forum also introduced a follow-up project that will seek to explore how research findings can best be used by practitioners and policy-makers.

Complimentary hot breakfast has been provided.

Forum Agenda (click here)

8:00-9:00 Registration and Networking Breakfast

9:00-9:30 Welcome and Orientation

- Dr. Philip Kelly, Principal Investigator of TIEDI, York University (presentation slides); (handout)
- Joan Atlin, Director of Programs for the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC)

9:30-12:00  Presentation of TIEDI’s research findings

1) Preparing for the Canadian Labour Market: Education, Training, and Language - Dr. Steven Tufts, Sophia Lowe, Dr. Rupa Banerjee, and Stella Park (presentation slides, research snapshot 1)

2) Access and Entry to the Labour Market: Entry Barriers, Job Search Processes- Dr. John Shields, Dr. Lucia Lo, Dr. Jelena Zikic, and Joan Atlin (presentation slides, research snapshot 2)

3) Immigrants in a Challenging Labour Market – Precarious Employment and Workplace Experiences- Dr. Philip Kelly, Erika Gates-Gasse, Dr. Valerie Preston, Dr. Tony Fang (presentation slides, research snapshot 3)


12:00-12:30 Wrap up and Introduction to TIEDI- Public Outreach Grant Initiative (TIEDI-POGI)
- Dr. Tony Fang, Principal Investigator of TIEDI's Public Outreach Grant, York University (presentation slides)

- Dr. Valerie Preston, Professor and Director of Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS)


Other handouts from the forum:

- About TIEDI and New Public Outreach Project (POGI)

- Presenter's Bio

- List of TIEDI Analytical Reports

- List of TIEDI Fact Sheets

- Feedback Form

If you have any additional comments to add regarding this forum, please comment in the box below or send an e-mail to Stella Park (pstella@yorku.ca). We welcome your feedback in helping us to plan for the next workshop under TIEDI- Public Outreach Grant Initiative! Comments will be moderated.

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Click here to view links to past TIEDI forums,

- TIEDI Exchange Forum 1 October 10, 2008)

- TIEDI Exchange Forum 2 (June 23, 2010)

To view list of other TIEDI events organized in the past and in the future, click here.

TIEDI is funded from Canada's Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)'s Knowledge Impact in Society Grant and from York University.