TIEDI York University

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TIEDI Workshops



TIEDI organized several workshops to solicit and define community data needs. Like the Knowledge Exchange Forums, these were also important networking events.

1. Workshop: Labour Market Outcomes, December 12, 2008

This workshop dealt specifically with the income, labour participation and unemployment rate of immigrants; the use of immigrants’ skills; match and mismatch between immigrants’ skills
and their occupations in Canada; data on immigrants by industry, sector and occupations; as well as job satisfaction. The workshop was facilitated by a primer (http://www.yorku.ca/tiedi/doc/Wlmoutcomes.pdf) providing examples of available data to stimulate ideas for discussion.

2. Workshop: Labour Market Barriers, January 30, 2009

This workshop aimed to discuss specific data needs related to the obstacles encountered by immigrants in the labour market that can be answered using statistics and existing research. The workshop focused on accreditation and recognition of foreign credentials; Canadian
experience & foreign experience recognition; language skills as barriers to employment; and experiences of discrimination. The workshop was facilitated by a primer (http://www.yorku.ca/tiedi/doc/Wbarriers.pdf) providing examples of available data to stimulate ideas for discussion.