York University







204A Atkinson College
90 Pond Road
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario
M3J 1P3

Phone: 416-736-2100
ext. 22867


[ History ]
In Brief | Education | Affiliations


Dr. Budworth's interest in learning is grounded in her early experiences with psychology. As an undergraduate at McMaster University studying natural sciences, she was keenly interested in how the mind adapted and altered biologically when faced with new information. In her social science classes, she was exposed to cognitive psychology and fascinated by the heuristics or shortcuts that individuals take when making decisions. She went on to study counseling psychology at the Master's level with a special interest in career issues. In 2001, she began a PhD at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto under the guidance of Gary Latham. It is here where her interests became focused on learning in applied settings. She is interested in any context that provides individuals and groups with the opportunity to share knowledge and develop skills, and abilities. She currently holds a position at York University. Her research to date has focused on formal training programs, performance feedback, team learning, negotiations, and transfer of training techniques.


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Copyright 2008 © Marie-Hélène Budworth