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Marie-Hélène Budworth is an assistant professor of Human Resource Management at York University.  Her research is guided by the principle that learning is socially constructed.  Individuals develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities through interaction with others in the training programs, classrooms, and workplaces.  To gain a better understanding of socially negotiated learning she studies formal and informal feedback systems, team learning, and organizational learning climate.  Her research informs her teaching in that she strives to provide her students with the opportunity to create an interactive learning environment where participants have the opportunity to interpret, critique, and construct their understanding through discussion.  As a consultant, she assists her clients in facilitating learning and motivation within and across teams.  She is also interested in the process of action learning whereby clients gain a set of research or problem solving skills that they can take with them to future projects.

This site contains additional information about her history, research, teaching, and consulting.  You can also see a brief profile of her through the York’s faculty profiles within the Human Resource Management website or on the School of Administrative Studies (SAS) website. 

Click here to open her curriculum vitae in Adobe Acrobat

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