Social Cohesion HOme

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Latin American Research Group (LARG)

Brief description


Research Instruments


Reports and papers

Rufino Tamayo

Brief Description

Economic and cultural globalization, migration, changes in travel and communication technologies, changes in employment opportunities and related processes, contribute to the displacement, dispersion and fragmentation of family networks across space. Host government immigration policies combine with these processes in ways that suggest that the transnational multi-local family may be here to stay. For instance, the narrowing of family reunification criteria in the immigration policies of receiving countries may delay or prevent spatial family reunification. However, there has been only limited consideration of the ways in which institutional landscapes shape immigrant families’ experiences of spatial ruptures.

The “Latin American families” component of the project on Social Cohesion and International Migration in a Globalizing Era: Transnational Solidarities and Newcomer’s Incorporation in Canada, explored the character of long distance relationships, child rearing, and family members’ ability and willingness to negotiate and manage their personal lives across borders. It also examined the adaptation and incorporation process of Latin-American families into Canadian society.

This research examined fundamental questions such as: What are the experiences of Latin American migrant families as they establish and maintain bonds across long distances? Are Latin Americans in Canada as fairly “complete” nuclear or extended families? How do families address social reproduction in a transnational context? To what extent do family members make use of mainstream social services and ethno-specific Canadian based organizations including religious and community leaders?

LARG’s research team conducted 40 interviews with Latin Americans who experienced separation from their children as a result of their migration to Canada. The study included families from Colombia, El Salvador, Ecuador, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guatemala.

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Diaz, G.P., & Landolt, P. 2004. "Description of Methodology, Research on Multi-Local Transnational Latin American Families. Summary." University of Toronto, Toronto.

Research Instruments

Interview guide Spanish version

Interview guide English version


Family References

Reports and Papers

Bernhard, J.K. , Goldring, L., & Landolt, P. 2004. "Modeling the transnational family: Multi-local practices, relationships and authority figures." in Congress of the Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Guelph, Ontario, October 28-31.
(This presentation is available in Power Point Format)

Latin American Research Group (LARG) May 15, 2005. "Transnational, Multi-Local Motherhood: Experiences of Separation and Reunification among Latin American Families in Canada."
The Latin American Research Group is a multi-disciplinary group composed of Dr. Judith K. Bernhard ( Ryerson University), Dr. Patricia Landolt ( University of Toronto), Dr. Luin Goldring ( York University), and several graduate research assistants. The contact person for this report is Dr. Judith K. Bernhard ( ), 416-979-5000, ext. 7647. This report benefited from the support of Paola Bohórquez ( York University).



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