Anth 2140 Quizzes and Tests                 back to 2140 home page

Quiz 6 will be held in LECTURE on Mar 21. The quiz will be the usual style, and will be on the readings for Mar 14 and Mar 21. (No further review guidelines will be given this time.)

Quiz 5 will be held in tutorial on Mar 8. Review guidelines are here.

Quiz 4 will be held in tutorial on February 1. Review guidelines are here.

Quiz 3 will be held in lecture on Dec 6th - at the START of class. Review guidelines are here.

Nov 1 announcement: Quiz 2 will be held in tutorial on Weds Nov 9:  Review guidelines are here.

On Weds Oct 12: tutorial and QUIZ #1, on all readings to date. Format: very short answer, fill in the blank, label the diagram. Review guidelines are posted here.