Linda Briskin

women organizing

SOSC 3125.06
WMST 3509.06

web resources

This section contains links to anti-feminist, anti-choice and 'men's rights' sites. You may find some of this material disturbing. These sites are linked to the course website for research purposes. There is no endorsement of the material found on them. These sites require careful critical analysis to assess their political agenda.

REAL Women of Canada (Realistic, Equal, Active, for Life) ( describes itself as a non-partisan, non-denominational organization of independent women who come from all walks of life, occupations, social and economic backgrounds. Their main objectives are to promote equality for all women, especially in the areas of education, employment and retirement, but they identify feminist organizations as detractors to these goals. They write that "until the formation of REAL Women of Canada, there was no voice to represent the views of those many thousands of women who take a different point of view from that of the established feminist groups. We're filling a need that has long existed. None of us has a corner on the truth. Thus, the diversity of views and approaches should be regarded as an advantage to women, as well as an indication of our tremendous diversity, independence and resourcefulness." On this site you will find more information about their campaigns and activities as well as a substantial resource of links to similar organizations. Some of these are listed below.

The Independent Women's Forum ( (IWF) describes itself as providing a voice for American women who believe in individual freedom and personal responsibility. With considerable lobbying influence, they have voiced opinion in the U.S. Supreme Court, among decision makers in Washington, and in the American media. They write: "It is the voice of reasonable women with important ideas who embrace common sense over divisive ideology. We don't pretend to speak for all women - but perhaps we speak for you." On this site you will find studies, news, and 'watches' on hot topics that are important to the IWF.

Promise Keepers ( is a US based Christian fundamentalist movement notable for its focus on men and for encouraging men to assume a correct role as the main authority in the family and the public sphere. "Promise Keepers is dedicated to igniting and uniting men to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ through the effective communication of the 7 Promises." On this site you will find an explanation of the '7 promises', links to similar sites across the US, information on how to start a Promise Keepers chapter in your area (if you are a man), and a thorough archives of many of the gatherings held throughout the year.

The American Coalition for Fathers and Children ( (ACFC) is dedicated "to the creation of a family law system, legislative system, and public awareness which promotes equal rights for all parties affected by divorce, and the breakup of a family or establishment of paternity. It is our belief through our involvement and dedication, we can have a positive effect on the emotional and psychological well-being of children." This site is of interest because ACFC's interpretation of what should happen in divorce proceedings actually harkens back to a time when women had no rights in divorce proceedings. On this site you will find information about the legal system in the US concerning divorce, child custody, and news. For an alternative view on custody issues, go to Ontario Women's Justice Network (