Plant Biology (SC/BIOL 2010 4.0)
plant biology sunflower icon

Lab Information for Winter 2014/2015:

Laboratory Schedule Updates due to Strike


Scheduled lab(s)

12 - 16 JanuaryLab 1 - Photosynthesis
19 - 23 JanuaryLab 2 - Algae AND Lab 3 - Fern life cycle*
26 - 30 JanuaryLab 4 - Fungi (Fermentation, Diversity and Sex**)
2 - 6 FebruaryLab 5 - Bryophytes
9 - 13 FebruaryLab 6 - Seedless Vascular Plants
16 - 20 FebruaryReading Week
23 - 27 FebruaryLab 7 - Gymnosperms
2 - 6 March Lab 8 - Pollen Identification I CANCELLED
9-13 March 1-7 AprilLab 8 - Pollen Identification II Lab 8 - Pollen Identification I
16 - 20 MarchLab 9 - Angiosperm Anatomy Project Week I*** CANCELLED
23-27 March 8-14 AprilLab 9 - Angiosperm Anatomy Project***
30 Mar-3 April 8-14 AprilLab 10 - Fruit and Vegetable Anatomy Project**** (extra credit lab)

* Note: The Fern life cycle lab extends across several weeks.
** Note: The fungal sex lab begins during Lab 5, and extends across several weeks.
*** Note: You will be required to obtain a flowering plant for study in the Angiosperm Project.
****Note: You will be required to obtain the fruit or vegetable for study in the Fruit and Vegetable Anatomy Project

Lab Marks will be provided on Moodle

lab schedule diagram

General Lab Information

Data Analysis [pdf] Academic Integrity
Please pay especial attention to issues of plagiarism. Please don't use sentences (or more) from publications in your lab reports. It's your explanation, your voice that are important to us! Here is a helpful resource on academic integrity and plagiarism.

Photosynthesis Lab Information

Photosynthesis Lab Exercise (in case you have been unable to get a lab manual) [pdf]
Controls [pdf]

Algae Lab Informationalgal mix from Elodea cultures

Algae Key [pdf]
The DVD (The kingdom protista: the dazzling world of living cells.) -portions of which are shown in the Algae Laboratory- is available from the Sound and Moving Image Library (in Scott) (DVD 11591 DVD-4HR reserve SMIL-DESK). The whole DVD is an extraordinary exploration of Protist Diversity, highly recommended. Most biologists describe it as a 'must see!' 'two thumbs up!' movie experience.

Fungi (Fermentation and Fungal Sex) Lab InformationFermentation apparatus

Yeast Fermentation Information [pdf]
Calculations [pdf]
Neurospora crassa Life Cycle [pdf]
Neurospora article Evidence for safety of Neurospora species for academic and commercial uses

Bryophytes (and Lichens)

Bryophytes and Lichen Handout [pdf]

Fern Lab InformationCeratopteris fern

Fern Lab Information [pdf]
Fern Life Cycle [png]
C-Fern Development Images [link]
Emerging sporophyte leaves of the Ceratopteris fern
C-Fern Movie (time lapse germination from Philip Lintilhac) [vimeo video]. Some 'homemade' movies of spermatazoid swimmers are also available (both quicktime): near male gametophyte and at female notch.
C-fern #1 journal article The biology of the fern Ceratopteris and its use as a model system
C-fern #2 journal article Ceratopteris: An ideal model system for teaching plant biology
C-fern #3 journal article Gametophyte development in ferns
C-fern #4 journal article Sex determination in the fern Ceratopteris
Growing Your Fern [pdf]

Seed Bearing Vascular Plants - Gymnosperms

Conifer Key [png]

Section of oak [png]

Pollen Lab Informationpollen examples

Pollen tube growth information. Rubric for lab report

Pollination Identification Tips [pdf]

Angiosperm Lab Information

Angiosperm lab information [pdf]
Angiosperm notes [pdf]

Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition

Lab 10 -- Fruit and Vegetable Dissection Project (worth 1% extra credit)

drawing of a peach fruit Objective: To learn about nutritional content of plants and explore the diversity of specialized cell types produced by plant cell differentiation and to see how these cells can be assembled into a fruit or vegetable.

This is an independent project! Rather than giving you prepared slides of plant parts showing the diversity of cell types and catalogs of plant anatomy, you will have to explore the specialized cell type and anatomy of the fruit or vegetable you select on your own. This is a one-week exercise [pdf].

Before the Lab Exercise: You will download nutritional information about the fruit or vegetable you select. You will compare this with the 'Daily Minimal Dietary Requirements'. Both are available via searchable links on the course website (look below). You should highlight the most beneficial nutritional attributes of the fruit or vegetable you select.

During the Lab Exercise: You will section and stain structures of interest in your fruit or vegetable and draw them, with scales. Your drawings, labeled, will be handed in with the information you obtained on nutrition at the end of the lab exercise.

(from US Food and Drug Administration Nutrition Information)
(from the USDA National Nutrient Data Laboratory)

You will need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view the [pdf] files.

There is some information regarding the lab quizzes available.

lab schedule diagram