
The whole purpose of the computer is to have the central processing unit produce the output, i.e. information.

  • Output is valuable or usable information; i.e., raw input data that has been manipulated by the computer into information.
  • Output may take the form of words, numbers, graphics, audio and video (multimedia).
  • Word output, for example, may be prepared by word processing software.
  • Other output may be numbers, such as those found in formulas, schedules, and budgets.
  • In many cases numbers can be understood more easily when output in the graphic form such as charts.
  • The most common output devices are computer screens and printers.
  • Screens can vary in their forms of display, producing text, numbers, symbols, art, photographs, and video-in full color.
  • Printers produce printed reports as instructed by a computer program.
A computer produces output in other ways, e.g., film and voice.