
computer system is a combination of four major components: hardware, softwaredata, and people. (In an organizational context, other elements such as policies and procedures are also included.) 

  • The physical equipment associated with a computer system is called hardware
  • A set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do is called software.
  • The collection of facts processed into information by the computer is called data -- more on this later. 
  • The most important component of a computer system, however, is people who use the powerful tool to solve real-world problems. 
  • The computer can be a tool for virtually anyone in all kinds of contexts -- business, art, housekeeping, education, and the list is seemingly endless.

Software or a computer program represents a problem-solving algorithm, a set of ordered or step-by-step instructions that the computer must perform to produce the desired results.

  • A computer programmer is a person who writes programs that we, theend-users can purchase or acquire and use for our specific purposes.