
Looking at the hardware in terms of a personal computer:

  • Word processing software allows us to input data such as an essay, save it, revise and save it again (overwrite), and print it if desired.  
  • The input device is usually a keyboard, used to type in the original text and any changes you want to make to it.
  • All computers must have a central processing unit within the computer housing.
  • The central processing unit (CPU) directed by the word processing software accepts the data input through the keyboard.
  • Processed data from your personal computer is usually output in two forms: on to a screen (softcopy) and a printout (hardcopy) to a printer.
  • The keyed in text appears on the screen in front of you; after you examining and editing the displayed text, you can print it on the printer.
  • The secondary storage device such as the typical hard disk, a magnetic medium may be used to store the document until it is needed later.